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Undergraduate Scholarships

Our scholarships and awards recognise and reward outstanding achievement and ability. All scholarships, awards and prizes are cash awards and do not have to be paid back.

Access to Hope Scholarship

Liverpool Hope University are pleased to offer 10 new scholarships worth £3,000 per year over the normal period of study (excluding any placement years and any additional years of study due to transfer onto an Integrated Masters course) to home and EU students who are starting an undergraduate course in September 2025 and make Liverpool Hope University their Firm choice on their UCAS application. Visit the Access to Hope webpage for further information.

Liverpool Hope Sanctuary scholarship

Liverpool Hope University is pleased to be able to offer three Sanctuary Scholarships for new students starting at the University in September 2025 who have sought refuge in the UK.

Sanctuary scholars will receive:

  • A tuition fee waiver for the duration of your course
  • Fully funded accommodation for the duration of the course.

Visit the Sanctuary Scholarship webpage for further information.

Care Leavers Bursary

Liverpool Hope University are pleased to announce that they will be supporting UK care leaver students joining a full-time Undergraduate degree programme in September 2025 at Liverpool Hope University and who are aged under 25 at the start of your course. The bursary is also open to students who are living in Foyer/supported housing. Visit the Care Leavers Bursary webpage for further information.

Performance Scholarship

The performance scholarships are available to new home students commencing their undergraduate studies in year 1 in 2025/26 and are worth £3,000 over the period of study. Visit the Performance Scholarship webpage for further information.

Music Scholarships

Liverpool Hope University has introduced nine fully-funded music scholarship opportunities, which together are worth more than £40,000 representing a wonderful opportunity for any aspiring musician or singer. Visit the Music Scholarship webpage for further information.

Student Services Awards

Liverpool Hope University are pleased to announce the third year of the Student Services Awards. The Awards provide students from all levels with an opportunity to take on a University project and receive a bursary worth up to £1,200 whilst developing their professional skills. Visit the Student Services Awards webpage for further information.

Summer Research Scholarships

The University is again establishing a number of student scholarships this summer to enable current 2nd year (Level I) undergraduate students to enhance their research skills ahead of entering upon their 3rd year (Level H) research dissertations. Scholarship holders will be guided by a University academic (supervisor) through engagement with an ongoing research topic in their area. Precise skills to be enhanced will be determined by academic area, but may include: data collection, data analysis, experimentation, bibliographical research, archival retrieval and draft report writing.

The scholarship of £1000 is intended to enable you to spend about 100 hours of time on this over the summer without the need to undertake paid employment. These projects will commence from the week of 19th June 2024 The project start dates are subject to change (or soon after the assessments are over) and an on-campus accommodation will be made available, paid by the University, to work on these research projects, should you require one. Visit the Summer Research Scholarship webpage for further information.

ICAEW Foundation Bursary

The ICAEW Foundation have agreed to provide a bursary for an academically talented student from a financially challenged background, who would like to study for an Accounting & Finance degree at Liverpool Hope University. This bursary will run for the three years of the student’s study and is for an amount of £4,000 per annum. Visit the ICAEW Bursary Webpage for further information.