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First Aid

Banner image of Hilda Constance Allen Building

First Aid arrangements are a requirement for the University under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

When people become ill or suffer injuries at our campuses, it is important that immediate first-aid attention is available and, if necessary, an ambulance called. First-aid given promptly and effectively can save lives; often it can assist in the prevention of minor injuries deteriorating into serious injuries. In many incidents/accidents, it is the only treatment necessary. 

The First Aid Code of Practice covers the arrangements required to ensure that appropriate first-aid provision be situated in all places of work throughout the University.

First Aid Assistance

There are a number of staff across each campus including all Campus Operatives who are first aid trained and can provide assistance for minor injuries. In the event of a medical emergency or illness that may require an ambulance, campus services staff will coordinate an emergency response. All staff must contact the Security Lodge first, using the emergency contact numbers:

Hope Park Campus - Ext. 3800 from any internal phone or 0151 291 3800

Creative Campus - Ext. 3700 from any internal phone or 0151 291 3700

Aigburth Park - 0151 291 3095

Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)

Automatic external defibrillators are portable battery powered equipment which are designed to restore the normal electrical heart rhythm in an emergency situation when a person has suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. The use of AED equipment in combination with resuscitation techniques can save lives. It is therefore important to know the location of AED’s at each of our campuses. Please see the below guidance document for AED locations:

Defibrillator Locations