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Liverpool Hope Logo

Meet the Team

Sometimes the quickest way to get some information or advice is to drop in to the Employability Hub in the Gateway building on the Hope Park Campus. We’re on the ground floor and are open from 9:30am until 3pm for drop ins. There is always a member of the Student Futures Team there between these times on weekdays.

We also hold ‘Explore Your Future’ Events and Workshops at the Hub.   

Careers Advisors are also available on Creative Campus, book your slot on JobTeaser

Whether you need a quick bit of advice, or a more in depth conversation about your future, drop in, we’re here to help.

Don’t forget to visit JobTeaser to make an appointment with a Careers Adviser or email for any other queries.

Your Student Futures Team are:

Claire Brownlie, Director of Student Futures
Chris Biggs, Head of Student Development and Employability (The Business School)

Jacqui Sanders, Alumni, Corporate Events and Relationship Manager
Clare Baker, Alumni Relations Manager
Lyndsey Aspinall, Administrator

Ali Wood, Careers Adviser (School of Creative and Performing Arts, The Geography and Environmental Science Department, School of Health and Sport Sciences, School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Psychology)
Karen Gallagher, Careers Adviser (The Business School, The School of Humanities, The School of Social Science, The Law School)
Jayne Corbishley, Careers Adviser (School of Education)

Melissa Grindon, Employment Officer (School of Creative and Performing Arts, The Geography and Environmental Science Department, School of Health and Sport Sciences, School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Psychology)
Elle Harker, Employment Officer (The Business School, The School of Humanities, The School of Social Science, The Law School)
Becky McCoy, Employment Officer (School of Education, School of Social Science)