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Liverpool Hope Logo

Graduates and Alumni

Liverpool Hope University graduates can access all of our Careers & Employability services for up to 3 years after graduation.

We're proud that our graduate employment rates are above the UK average and we are keen to continue supporting our students make the move into further study and employment.

As a recent graduate you're able to access our online resource (JobTeaser), attend our events and workshops and access careers advice through Careers Express or a one-to-one meeting. Whether you need help with your career planning, job searching or getting through the application process; we are here for our graduates every step of the way.

Plus, it doesn't end there! Every graduate automatically receives lifetime membership to the Hope Alumni Community.

Alumni case studies

Visit our Alumni case studies page to see what some of our alumni have gone on to do after graduating from Hope.

Graduate Outcomes 

Graduate Outcomes launched in 2018 and is the biggest annual social survey in the UK. For more information check out our FAQs here 

Be part of the picture

Graduates are surveyed approximately 15 months after completing their course with us. Your responses to the survey will allow current and future students to make informed choices and help us to evaluate and promote our courses.

Update your contact details!

To support the survey we need to have accurate contact details for you, we need a current email address and phone number. If your email address or phone number has changed recently please update your details here.

The quickest and easiest way to complete the survey is online, so make sure we've got your main email address (not your Hope one) and you'll be sent a link to it. If your email address bounces back or you'd find the survey more accessible over the phone you'll get a call to do the survey, so please make sure we've got a working phone number for you as well. 

About the survey

The survey will be delivered by the Graduate Outcomes team which is part of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) on behalf of the higher education funding and regulatory bodies and higher education providers. The funding and regulatory bodies commission the Graduate Outcomes survey and require HESA and higher education providers to work together to deliver the survey. HESA have published privacy information for students on how your contact details will be used.