Click the drop down below to view timetables FAQs.
How do I access my timetable?
Your student timetable is available through MyHope in various ways:
- a quick view is available in the middle of My Hope which gives you today's timetable and you can scroll through days of the week
- the timetable box at the top which will give you daily, weekly and monthly views
- the SRM (Student Records Management) box and selecting timetable from the tabs at the top. You can adjust your timetable view in the SRM to show daily, weekly or monthly or views
- Hope Uni App under the academic section, where you can scroll through the months and select individual days.
What information is in my timetable?
Your timetable will show your course, classroom and tutor.
Can I print my timetable?
You can print your timetable from the timetable section of MyHope, and from the SRM, by using your browsers print menu or by pressing CTRL & P on your keyboard.
Note :- Keep an eye on your online timetable in case of any changes