Having achieved University status in 2005 and research degree awarding powers in 2009, Liverpool Hope University has embarked on a strategic programme of change to sustain its academic ambitions and secure its distinctiveness in the future. The objective has been to establish a high quality ‘teaching led, research informed’ University, while reaching out to the most able from disadvantaged backgrounds. As the only ecumenical university in Europe, with over 7,000 students, Liverpool Hope works closely with faith partners locally, nationally and internationally, to provide access to a high quality learning environment and an educational philosophy to ‘educate in the round’, developing graduates with a sense of social responsibility and good global citizenship.
The University focus on excellence in research and scholarship is reflected in the latest REF submission, in which the University submitted work to 12 Units of Assessment. Selection of staff for inclusion in the submission was based on an internal review of research (using independent external advisers) and as a result 54% of eligible academic staff were returned for REF 2014. This represents a substantial increase from the previous RAE 2008 exercise and gives a promising picture of the University’s research profile, which reveals significant amount at internationally excellent quality.
To support this, the University has devoted significant time, energy and resources to developing its research profile. These pages are designed to support staff who are supporting PGR studies from a variety of backgrounds.
Useful contacts:
In the first instance all staff queries should be directed to the Postgraduate Research administrators pgr@hope.ac.uk
This section aims to provide all current students with a range of helpful resources for their studies. Students should always refer any queries to their Director of Studies in the first instance.
The UK doctorate: A guide for current and prospective doctoral candidates
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) and the National Union of Students (NUS) have created a guide for PGR students which recognises the diversity of awards and the student population to help guide doctoral students and applicants through what a UK doctorate is. We would encourage all our PGR students to refer to this during your studies. Please click here for QAA Doctoral Degree Characteristics Statement.
PGR regulations and code of practice
All students should familiarise themselves with:
PGR forms for registered students
General forms
Research skills
Submission forms
Post submission and examination
Once you have submitted the soft-bound copies of your thesis, staff will then begin to confirm arrangements for your examination. You will be consulted about this to find a mutually agreeable date for all parties. Once a date has been agreed, you will receive formal communication to confirm the date, time and location as well as the examination panel. All panels consist of an Independent Chair (to oversee fairness of the process), an Internal Examiner, and an External Examiner (students who are also Liverpool Hope Staff members will require two external examiners).
After the oral examination is over, students need to undertake several tasks in order to be eligible to graduate.
First of all, if the examiners have required any amendments, a revised soft-bound thesis will need to be submitted. Secondly, when the student has received formal notification from the University that their soft bound thesis meets the requirements for the award, a hard bound copy of the thesis, together with other documents, will need to be submitted and approved. The hard-bound copies must be accompanied by the appropriate submission form. Other requirements will be explained to you by email as part of the formal notification that your soft-bound thesis has met the requirements for the award.
Please note that the University holds two graduation periods a year, in January and July. Normally, in order to eligible to graduate in January, the hard-bound copy and related documents must be submitted by the end of the first full week in December; in order to eligible to graduate in July, the hard-bound copy and related documents must be submitted by the end of the last full week in May. Students who submit after these deadlines will be deferred to the following graduation period.
Students due to graduate with Liverpool Hope please refer to our Graduation Pages.
Liverpool Hope's Research Skills Programme (RSP) is a series of generic or transferable skills courses designed for research students to help develop their skills alongside their research. Some of these courses are specifically designed to help students complete their degree, whilst others help develop more general skills and aid a student's employability.
The RSP is structured using the Vitae Researcher Development Framework, which has been developed by and for researchers.
2020/21 programme
In the first year of study students are expected to attend as a minimum the following four sessions -
- Induction
- Becoming an effective postgraduate researcher
- Postgraduate research skill scheme – practices and procedures (covered in induction)
- Annual monitoring
Beyond the first year, students may attend any sessions in order to contribute to the development of their postgraduate research skills.
The programme of training events can be found on the online store.
In the first instance, it is recommended that PGR students should approach their supervisor for support.
The general university support and facilities are also open to all PGR Students. Information and guidance can be found in the Student Gateway
Student Representative for PGR students
Conference funding applications
Students can apply for funding up to £500 per annum to assist with the cost of attending a conference they are presenting a paper at, archival research or field work. Applications must clearly explain the purpose of the research trip, identify the sources which will be consulted, and outline how the proposed research relates to their research project. A breakdown of the research budget, specifying particular costs for different items, must be included. These costs may include transportation, accommodation, institutional access fees, and photocopying charges. Costs should be kept as low as possible so that all students can benefit from these limited funds.
To apply for this funding, students should send a completed PGR Student Conference Funding Form to pgr@hope.ac.uk.
There is a small amount of funding available through the Library for the purchase of Research books, please find information via the below link to the website.
There is information about the fund is for, and how students can apply, including a link to the form on this web page, under "book purchase requests". A direct link to the application form can be found here: form.
If you have any questions about a conference funding application, please contact Prof. Atulya Nagar, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) via email: nagara@hope.ac.uk
Students Union
Liverpool Hope Students' Union is a democratic body elected by students studying at Liverpool Hope University. The main office is located within the Gateway Building on the Hope Park campus. Elected officers are there to represent you and your views to the University, and to local and national bodies such as the National Union of Students. Please see below details of your key elected officers: