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Internal Research Process

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The University encourages high quality proposals for the funding of research and innovation activities. All proposals should undergo internal review before submission, and go through the institutional authorisation process called Unit4ERP (Agresso).

It is important to contact your Research and Innovation Facilitator (Gill Smylie) as soon as you start thinking about your research idea so that Gill can assist in the development of your application right from the start. Use this link to access the university research pre award process flow chart.

The internal research application review process necessarily varies between schools/departments and type of activity, but the authorisation process is the same across the University, and is operated through the Research and Innovation Facilitator. So this is another reason to get in touch with Gill as soon as you start.

All proposals need the agreement of each investigator’s Head of School/Department and Chair of Research Committee. They may also require agreement from the VP for Research, depending on the assessed level of risk involved. Externally-funded research activity is usually subject to terms and conditions, whether standard terms (e.g. Research Councils, charities, some government-funded work), or individual terms (e.g. industry and some Government work).

The University, through the Research and Innovation Facilitator, reviews funder standard terms as necessary, and has a set of standard contractual Agreements for a range of activities (e.g. research, IP, materials transfer, and service provision) and where appropriate negotiates terms and conditions supported by the University's legal team. The key elements within a research agreement are: the ability to publish (or submit and examine a thesis for a studentship); indemnity and warranties; ownership and use of intellectual property (background and foreground ; confidentiality; and price and payments.

Research activity, however funded, that involves human participation, data or tissues requires ethical approval before it can start. Approval can only be given by a recognised research ethics committee.

Internal Research Funding - School/Department Research Committee

Staff can apply for funding from their School/Department Research Committee (FRC) using the online research funding system. Applications are made and submitted via the Internal Research Funding Application box in MyResearch accessed via MyHope

A User Guide is available to assist with the process of completing an application.

Any queries over using the Application Process on Unit4 ERP (Agresso) please contact