Commendations, complaints and appeals
The University would like to share good practice in order to enhance continually the student experience. If you would like to commend the work of the University or any of its staff, there are a number of ways of doing this:
- Raise the matter through your Course Representative to be recorded at Staff Student Liaison committee
- Write to your lecturer, Head of School or Department, Dean or other member of staff
- Write to the Students’ Union
- Write to the Pro Vice Chancellor (Student Life and Learning)
If you are unhappy with the service provided by the University, there are different procedures if you wish to complain depending upon whether you are a registered student, an applicant or a member of the public. Registered students should follow the process below (if you are unhappy with your results, you should use the academic appeals in the next section). If you have applied to the University but were turned down or have concerns about the way your application has been handled, you should follow the Applicant Appeals and Complaints Procedure. Members of the public should write to
The University takes complaints seriously and will take steps to improve the service where it has fallen below an acceptable standard. It is best to deal with poor service as early as possible and so, if you are dissatisfied with something, please speak directly to the service provider concerned.
If you are still not happy you can use the formal Student Complaints Procedure.
Student Complaints Procedure Flowchart
The complaints procedure can be used in relation to teaching, academic support, administration or any other service provided by the University.
Please ensure you have read and understand the complaints procedure before you submit your form, you can find a direct link to the University's full procedure on the form below:-
Please ensure you have read and understand the complaints procedure before you submit your form, you can find a direct link to the University's full procedure on the form below:-
Non-academic appeals
If you wish to appeal against a decision of
- the Proctor
- a Student Disciplinary Panel
- a Fitness to Practise Panel, or
- a Fitness to Study Panel
You must read the University’s full procedure for the relevant policy. If, once you have read the policy, you feel you have grounds for appealing against the decision, you should submit your appeal within the timeframe stipulated in the relevant policy using the
You should also take advice from the Students’ Union, though failure to do so within the timeframe cannot be used as a reason to extend the deadline for submission of your appeal and evidence. Contact details are below.
Appeal against the decision to Terminate Studies due to engagement
This policy applies to all appeals relating to decision to terminate studies due to poor engagement prior to consideration at assessment boards. The Appeal against Termination of Studies Policy can be found here. The Withdrawal from Studies Appeal Form can be found here.
Appeal against the decision of a degree or progression board
If you wish to appeal against a decision of a degree or progression board, there are separate procedures to follow. Please see Academic Miscondict and Academic Appeal
Students' Union main contacts
FML009, Hope Park, Taggart Avenue, Liverpool, L16 9JD
Sabbatical Officers:
President , 0151 291 3706
Vice President (Education, Welfare and Community) - ;, 0151 291 3651
The University is committed to ensuring that you have the opportunity to make complaints without risk of disadvantage or recrimination. Each case will be considered on its own merits with regard to the evidence and circumstances presented and in accordance with the Student Complaints Procedure
Should I make a complaint?
Making a complaint under the University’s Student Complaints Procedure may not be the best, quickest or most appropriate way to deal with a problem. Issues or problems with courses can be raised at School Committees, or School/ Student Liaison meetings by a student representative.
Examples of issues that can be considered under the procedure:
- aspects of your learning and teaching experience
- service issues
- facilities
- University-managed accommodation.
Who can make a complaint?
Current undergraduate, taught postgraduate or research students can make a complaint.
You can also make a complaint if you have withdrawn or graduated from the University if a complaint is raised within three months of your departure.
How can I make a complaint?
Raising your complaint informally often provides the quickest and most effective way to resolve an issue.
You can raise your complaint verbally or in writing. You should raise your concerns as soon as possible, and not later than one calendar month from the time your concerns arise.
You can ask for information from
What if complaint isn’t resolved?
If you are still unhappy at the informal stage then you can submit a Stage 2 complaints form to
As part of the formal submission of your complaint, you will be required to provide:
- details of your complaint
- details about any action you have already taken to resolve your complaint
- details about the response you have already received
- why you are not satisfied with the initial response
- your desired outcome
- any supporting evidence that might be important.
What if I am unhappy with the end outcome?
Students can request their Stage 2 is reviewed if you can show one of the following:
- the University made a material error in following its complaint procedure
- the outcome was unreasonable in light of the evidence available
- new material has come to light which you were unable, for valid reasons, to provide earlier in the process
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your formal complaint, and you fall into one of the categories above, you may submit a Stage 3 complaints form . This will need to be submitted within ten working days of the University’s response with the outcome of Stage 2.
If you remain unhappy after Stage 3, you have completed the University’s internal procedures, you may refer your complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA). This must be done within 12 months of the date of the Completion of Procedures letter you will receive once you have completed the University’s internal procedures.
Further information is available via the OIA.
What if I don’t think my issue is covered by the complaints process?
Please refer to the Applicant and Appeals Complaints Procedure
Please refer to the Academic Appeals Policy.
Student conduct
Please raise your concern directly with
Bullying and harassment
Please raise your concern directly with
Students’ Union
Please raise this directly through the Students’ Union Complaints Procedure
Collaborative partners
You should follow their complaints procedures in most instances unless it falls under a service that is directly delivered by Liverpool Hope.
If you are unhappy with the outcome after completing the Collaborative Partner’s procedures, you may ask to have the matter reviewed under Stage 3 complaints form of the Liverpool Hope procedures.