How my degree is calculated
Calculating Undergraduate degree outcomes (for all undergraduate bachelors students)
The system is based on the ‘best of’ two overall aggregate marks, with profiling of students whose aggregate falls within the borderline of two degree classifications.
Recommendations will normally be based on the best of the following “degree marks”:
- the overall aggregate, combining marks from Level C [weighted 10%], Level I [weighted 30%] & Level H [weighted 60%];
- the overall aggregate, combining marks from Level I [weighted 25%] & Level H [weighted 75%];
The overall aggregate will be rounded to the nearest whole number and a student’s degree classified on an initial assessment of whether their rounded highest overall aggregate falls within the following categories:
- First Class Honours 70%+
- Upper Second Class Honours 60-69%
- Lower Second Class Honours 50-59%
- Third Class Honours 40-49%
- Pass degrees are awarded in particular circumstances defined by the board of examiners
Where the overall aggregate falls within two rounded marks of the higher classification the students profile at Level H will be considered in more detail. Specifically, if the student is to be raised to the higher degree category they must have 50% of their Level H assessments in that higher category. These marks must have been achieved on first assessment, reassessment marks cannot be included in the 50%.
For example, a student has an overall aggregate calculated from the 25/75 method of 57.5. This rounds to 58 and places them in a borderline. The student has achieved a grade B or better for 50% of their assessments at Level H; the student is awarded a 2i.
Bachelors Degree Classification Guide including BA Primary Education
Integrated Masters Degree Calculation
Noted exception 1: the four-year BA Primary Teaching [with Specialist Subject] and its related BA Primary Education [with Specialist Subject] which remain unchanged in their final year of implementation.
Noted exception 2: Integrated Masters students
Recommendations will be made on the basis of the following marks:
- the overall aggregate, combining marks from Level C [weighted 5%], Level I [weighted 25%], Level H [weighted 30%] & Level M [weighted 40%];
- the overall aggregate, combining marks from Level I [weighted 25%], Level H [weighted 25%] & Level M [weighted 50%]
Calculating Postgraduate degree outcomes except PGCE, EdD and MEd
Your class will be based on your rounded overall aggregate mark. Your marks and grades for individual assessments are as follows:
- A++, A+, A Distinction
- B+, B Merit
- C+,C Merit
If your rounded aggregate is between 70 and 79 you will achieve a DISTINCTION, if its between 60 and 69 a MERIT and between 50 and 59 you will be awarded a PASS.
Completing your Postgraduate Course
Merit and Distinctions Postgraduate Taught students