Internal Audit
The Internal Audit Service at Liverpool Hope University is provided by RSM. The Audit Manager is Mr Michael Harding and the Audit Partner is Ms Lisa Randall. Operational liaison is with Mrs Laura Gittins, Legal Services to whom any enquiries should be directed.
The Internal Audit Service is, however, accountable to the Audit Committee and University Council and has direct access, if necessary, to the Vice-Chancellor & Rector, the Chair of Audit Committee and the Chair of University Council.
The prime responsibility of the internal audit service is to provide University Council, the Vice-Chancellor and the other senior managers of the University with assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management, control and governance arrangements. Internal audit also plays a valuable role in helping management to improve risk management, control and governance, thereby reducing the effects of any material adverse risks faced by the University.
It is a requirement of the HEFCE Memorandum of assurance and accountability that the internal audit service produce an annual report of its activities. The internal audit annual report must relate to the financial year and include any significant issues, up to the date of preparing the report, which affect the opinion. This is addressed to University Council and the Vice-Chancellor & Rector, and is considered by the audit committee and University Council. The report is then submitted to HEFCE as part of the University’s accountability return. The internal audit annual report includes the internal auditor’s opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the HEI’s arrangements for risk management, control and governance and for economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
Audit Committee is one of the standing committees of University Council and is chaired by Mr Charles Mills, a senior lay member of Council.