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Study Support and Skills Mentors

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The Subject Support Point is where you will find an Academic Services Librarian to help you with detailed subject specific enquiries.

Academic Services Librarians

Each student has a designated Academic Services Librarian available for support with finding resources for assignments and for more detailed subject enquiries and search techniques. They can also help if you are struggling to find a specific book or with books to read to support your studies. Academic Services Librarians can be contacted by email or phone, in person at the Subject Support Points or by asking at the Library Help Point for the on-call Librarian.

Robert Cunningham - Subject Librarian

Robert Cunningham, Academic Services Librarian

Faculty of Human and Digital Sciences

T: 0151 291 2031

Angela Duckworth - Subject Librarian

Angela Duckworth, Academic Services Librarian

Faculty of Creative Arts and Humanities

T: 0151 291 3449

Fiona Hair - Subject Librarian

Fiona Hair, Academic Services Librarian

Faculty of Education and Social Sciences: School of Social Sciences

T: 0151 291 3001

Man with short black hair

Andrew Taylor, Academic Services Librarian

Faculty of Business, Law and Criminology

T: 0151 291 3727
Philippa Williams - Subject Librarian

Philippa Williams, Academic Services Librarian

Faculty of Education and Social Sciences: School of Education


T: 0151 291 3801

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Booklyn (they/them)

Library Chatbot

Chat: AskBooklyn