The University has a central staff development programme which is used to plan and deliver staff development both in terms of training and of updating skills. It also oversees the requirements for teaching staff to be appropriately qualified in matters of teaching and learning.
In summary the provision will:
- Address specific needs in staff development by providing training courses;
- Be informed by the performance review system, Faculties, L&T Committee and the Communities of Practice network to as to the needs for staff development;
- Will monitor requirement for and uptake of the PGCert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Course and also more generally staff teaching qualifications and interactions/recognition with the HEA.
HEA Recognition Scheme
The recognition scheme contributes towards the professionalisation of teaching by conferring the status of Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. The scheme is closely referenced to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). There are many benefits to gaining recognition as an Academy Fellow:
All academic staff at Liverpool Hope University are expected to seek recognition from the HEA and workshops run throughout the year to prepare staff in making applications.
Further guidance on applying for a professional accreditation can be found on theHEA Fellowships webpage.
Please contact Shauna Anton, Staff Development Co-ordinator, for further details or to book a place.
Personnel Staff Development/Training
The University's= Personnel team organise internal training and development events, including HEA workshops, throughout the year. You can book onto sessions or suggest opportunities to be added to the schedule by contacting the Staff Development Co-ordinator, Shauna Anton.
Advance HE events calendar also includes a variety of external professional development opportunities.
Other Development Opportunities
Moodle for Staff Development in Learning and Teaching
New academic staff will receive Moodle training as part of their staff induction. However, all academic staff can request Moodle training from the Learning and Teaching team. Please contact Elpiniki Smith our Course Designer at
Online Resources
The University has identified a range of new technologies which tutors may be interested in using in their practice. We have built up a number of guidance notes, examples of good practice and signposts to online resources. The guides are currently available in our Learning and teaching Moodle.
Liverpool Hope University Learning and Teaching Days are normally constituted of three staff development days spread across the academic year.
The next university Learning and Teaching Day is scheduled for Friday 12th July 2024.
All resources and recordings from the previous events can be found on our Learning and Teaching Moodle page.
Excellence in Learning and Teaching Prize
The annual Liverpool Hope Excellence in Learning and Teaching Prize aims to recognise individual staff, teams, and/or schools/departments who can best demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the student experience, and to encourage the dissemination of good practice by sharing innovations with the wider University.
The winning individual, team, or department will be awarded £1,000 to spend on learning and teaching resources or materials. The prize winner(s) will also be invited to share their good practice with the University community at a future Learning and Teaching Day.
The prize is open to all Liverpool Hope University staff.
2023/24 Prize
We are happy to announce this year's Learning and Teaching Prize Brief 2023/24.
This year we would like to focus on authentic assessment.
- What approaches have you taken to provide assessments that engage students and enable them to develop and apply knowledge and skills in a practical or problem-solving context?
- Have students had the opportunity to input to the development of their assessments?
- What has made your approach so effective?
The submission deadline is Monday 11th December 2023. Please submit entries via the L&T Prize template (above) to
Winners are announced by the Vice Chancellor on Foundation Day and receive a monetary prize to be spent on Learning Resources as they see fit.