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Learning support

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The University’s Learning Support Team is the main point of contact for disabled students who require information, advice and support.

If you have a disability, specific learning difference, or enduring health/mental health condition, you can discuss any support needs you may have with a Learning Support Adviser.

The team can support you with:

  • a specific learning difference (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia)
  • a visual or hearing impairment
  • a mental health condition
  • a mobility impairment
  • an autistic spectrum condition
  • a long-term medical condition (e.g. epilepsy, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis)
  • any other condition which has a substantial, long-term and adverse effect on the ability to study.

To access the service, please contact Student Life and a member of the team will assist you.

T: 0151 291 3427

What help is available?

The team can provide you with information, advice and assistance on a range of issues including:

  • applying for and accessing Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)
  • help with obtaining the required supporting medical evidence
  • assessment for dyslexia and other specific learning differences
  • creation of a Learning Support Plan to inform your lecturers of your support needs
  • identifying appropriate reasonable adjustments to support effective engagement with your studies
  • additional arrangements for exams and assessments
  • arranging non-medical support assistance, (e.g. dyslexia study coach, specialist mentor, sign language interpreter, etc.)
  • liaison with academic staff/departments on your behalf
  • signposting to other university learning support provision (e.g. study skills/writing mentors, study skills sessions, etc.).

Learning Support Plans

Depending on your circumstances, the Learning Support Team may offer to produce a Learning Support Plan (LSP) for you. This is a personalised document which provides details of your disability, what impact your disability is likely to have on your studies, and any particular support needs you have. The LSP also identifies any reasonable adjustments that have been identified to support you during your studies.

You will be asked to review and approve the content of your LSP and give your consent for it to be shared with certain staff involved in your teaching and learning (e.g. your lecturers, exams team, library staff, etc.). 

When requesting support/an LSP, you will be asked to provide suitable supporting evidence of your disability, which may include:

  • Letter from your GP or medical practitioner confirming/diagnosing your condition
  • Educational Psychologist report
  • DSA Medical Evidence Form completed by a GP
  • DSA Needs Assessment Report

If you feel that your LSP requires updating at any stage during your studies, contact Student Life to arrange an appointment.

Disabled Students' Allowance

Disabled Students’ Allowance, or DSA as it is better known, is funding that helps contribute to any additional support you might require whilst at university as a direct result of a disability. 

The assistance available to you  via DSA will depend on your individual circumstances and is assess by Student Finance.

How to apply for DSA

You will need to complete an application form and include the required supporting medical evidence (e.g. GP/consultant letter, Educational Psychologist assessment report). 

To find out more about DSA and how to apply, please click on the relevant link below:

Student Finance England
Student Finance Northern Ireland
Student Finance Wales
Student Awards Agency Scotland
Student Finance Republic of Ireland

If you require any advice about DSA, or help when making your DSA application, please contact Student Life and a member of the team will assist you.

T: 0151 291 3427