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Information for International Students

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The Global Centre for Students and Partnerships has collated the information on these pages to assist you. Please use the tabs to find all you need to become a successful student.

Getting to know Liverpool

Visit our Living in Liverpool pages for further info on the city, and download our Living in Liverpool Guide.

Gateway service desk at Hope Park

The Service Desk is based on the ground floor of the Gateway Building and the friendly staff are trained in all aspects of student life. They can help you with a wide range of questions and issues – just call in or email

Our campuses

We have three campuses – Hope Park and the Creative Campus are teaching campuses with accommodation on site and the third, Aigburth Park, is an accommodation only campus – for more information go to our campuses pages.

To download a campus map on the How to find us pages.

It is important to engage with campus life as much as you can, especially if you don’t live on campus. Make sure you attend any induction or orientation sessions in the first few weeks – these are a great way to get to know your class mates before classes start.

To get the most out of your experience, we recommend that you join a club or society through the Students Union – they have a Freshers’ Fair in undergraduate induction week but you can join any time – further information is available on the Hope SU website. The SU Officers are based in the Senior Common Room, by Fresh Hope.

Security on campus

You will notice that we have a Security Lodge at each campus – the staff are there to ensure the security of staff and students 24 hours a day, plus they are first-aid trained and very knowledgeable about student life, so if you need help after office hours, at the weekend, or in an emergency, just ask at the nearest Security Lodge. It’s a great idea to put their phone number in your phone, just in case you ever need it:

  • Hope Park - 0151 291 3520 / emergencies 0151 291 3800
  • Creative Campus - 0151 291 3999 / emergencies 0151 292 3700
  • Aigburth Park - 07736106185 / emergencies 0151 291 3095

Shuttle bus

The University offers a shuttle bus service between the three campuses – this is free as long as you can show your ID card to the driver. Buses leave each campus location about once an hour from Monday to Friday in term time. You can view the timetable online, or collect one from the Gateway Service Desk. Please note that the Shuttle Bus only stops at the campus drop-off points and does not stop to pick up or let passengers off en-route.

Catering outlets

There are a number of restaurants, coffee shops and social spaces at Hope Park and the Creative Campus serving a range of food and drinks. You can also purchase ready-made sandwiches and snacks from the shop at Hope Park. Food from our restaurants may be available to take away with you – just ask for take-away (to go) packaging when you order. For further information and opening time look at the Catering page on the website.

Useful contacts