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School of Social Sciences Research

Lecturer presenting lesson

Staff in the School of Social Sciences share a commitment to producing research that makes a difference in social policy and practice.

The focus of our research includes:

  • Children and Families
  • Criminology
  • Culture
  • Disability Studies
  • Politics and Policy
  • Social Services and Institutions

These areas speak in different ways to our core commitment to research with and for marginalised groups and communities. Our research seeks to develop socially-just research approaches and knowledge that illuminates the lives of marginalised and ‘silenced’ publics.

Research in the School of Social Sciences is aligned with our two centres:

Centre for Culture and Disability Studies (CCDS)

CCDS is an international research centre based at Liverpool Hope University. It hosts and/or endorses a growing array of internationally recognised courses, publications, research projects, events, series, networks, and affiliations. The main focus of the Centre for Culture & Disability Studies is on challenging and changing all aspects of dehumanising practice, fully acknowledging the ontology and epistemology of people who are disabled. 

'Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children in Child Welfare Services in England'

Dr Dan Allen, Principal Lecturer in Social Work, tells the story of how his research has demonstrated social impact, covering themes of social inequality, child protection, fostering and adoption, showcasing vital collaborations between the University, family law solicitors, charities, local communities, social workers and the Association Of Child Protection Professionals.