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Arrivals and induction information

Key dates

For term dates you can look in the Student Gateway and see the University Academic Calendar

Your arrival date

Please check your course start date and make sure you arrive in time for the start of teaching, including the induction week for your subject.

You may like to arrive earlier than your course start date, for example, if you want to do some travelling - this is fine as long as you arrive after the start date on your Visa. If you arrive earlier, you will not be allowed entry to the UK.

We realize that some students may not have received their Visa by the start date for their course - if this applies to you, please keep both the Global Centre and the Student Immigration team informed of your progress and travel arrangements. Please do not travel without telling us your expected date of arrival, so that we can be prepared to help you on arrival.

Moving into our halls

Please be aware that you cannot move into campus accommodation any earlier than the contract start date, so you will have to find your own accommodation if you arrive earlier. If you are going to live off campus, check the start date on your private room contract to check when you can move in.

If you are moving into our halls, the moving in date will be:

September starters: Saturday 21 September 2024 (Study Abroad and Exchange arrive on 20th - see Information for Study Abroad and Exchange)

January starters: Saturday 4 January 2025 (Study Abroad and Exchange arrive 2nd Jan- see Information for Study Abroad and Exchange)

Arrivals checklist for international students

We have put together this checklist for when you arrive in Liverpool:

  • Go straight to your accommodation
  • Email us at to let us know that you have arrived
  • Register for your course and make sure that you have access to your course Moodle and your timetable (we can help you if you do not understand the process)
  • Access your student Gmail account and check your inbox for messages from Tutors or University announcements 
  • Visit the Global Student and Partnership Centre and meet the team. We will assist you with accessing your timetable, finding your classrooms, registering with a Doctor, collecting your Student ID card and anything else you may need support with
  • You will be asked to attend an interview for Visa compliance, at which you will present evidence of your qualifications, proof of address and your Biometrics card and meet the Student Finance team to check that your fees are in order
  • Attend the Students’ Union Freshers fair where you will be able to sign up to clubs and societies
  • Ensure that you attend all induction and timetabled sessions

Orientation for new students

All new international students will be invited to orientation sessions in the week before teaching starts. The sessions will vary, depending on the level of study and the date of arrival (September or January).

Study Abroad and Exchange students - please go to Information for Study Abroad and Exchange.

Find out information about living in the UK.

Access help and advice information.

Find out information about NHS services.

If you have declared a disability or learning support need, please respond to invitations to meet the Student Life team on or contact them if you have any questions about your Learning Support Plan.

The Global Centre is open if you need help with opening a bank account, registering with a doctor, or anything else you may need No appointment required.

Undergraduate induction and orientation

Undergraduate students have a comprehensive Induction Program - please follow your personal timetable for details of the sessions you should attend. There will be introductions to your School and its staff, academic sessions to introduce you to the course structure and a Freshers’ Fair where you can join clubs and societies.

Postgraduate induction and orientation

The Global Centre works closely with Schools to develop a meaningful orientation programme for postgraduate students. This includes a welcome meeting plus practical workshops and academic sessions, providing advice about the structure of your degree and how to access your course details (Moodle). Some sessions will be offered by the Global Student and Partnership Centre and some will be arranged by your School - please check your student email account for times and dates.