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Available software

Available Software

Details of software and the machines which it is installed on can be found by visiting our specific software page.

Specialist Software

The University has two CAT suites (Computers with Assistive Technology Suite), one in the Sheppard-Worlock Library and one in the Capstone Building at the Creative Campus. Each of these suites contain PCs with a number of specialist softwares.

Sheppard-Worlock Library CAT Suite

Hope Asset IDDragonInspirationJAWSKurzweilRead & WhiteZoom Text
15665 (magnifier) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
15671 (left)   Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
15663 (middle)   Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
15688 (right)   Yes Yes Yes Yes  

Creative Campus Library CAT Suite

Hope Asset IDDragonInspirationJAWSKurzweilRead & WhiteZoom Text
15691 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

In addition to the CAT suites, the following specialist software can be found in these locations:


SWL004 - both machines


SWL105 - both machines


SWL004 - right hand side machine

SWL105 - right hand side machine

JAWS SWL004 - left hand side machine

SWL004 - left hand side machine



SWL004 - left hand side machine

SWL105 - right hand side machine