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Research ethics

The whole research community at Hope shares the responsibility for promoting and delivering good research. Researchers strive for the highest achievable standards in the planning, conduct and reporting of their research and demonstrate integrity in their dealings with others. Hope, as a signatory to The Concordat to Support Research Integrity, fosters a research culture that supports and embeds good research practice in all its endeavours.

Hope’s research ethics policies, guidelines and procedures clarify the roles and responsibilities of researchers; they make sure that appropriate resources and skills are in place and they aim to prevent research misconduct. Thus, Hope’s culture of research ethics ensures the highest standards of rigour and integrity.

Its core ethical principles stress the need to (a) do good (known as beneficence) and (b) do no harm (known as non-malfeasance). Therefore, Hope requires all researchers, whether staff or students, to ensure that their research is designed and conducted to the highest standards possible. Additionally, they should abide by the research ethics guidelines of their professional bodies, local and national governments. Thus, Hope offers administrative support for best practices in research ethics and enhances the trustworthiness of research outputs.

Hope’s researchers apply and obtain ethical clearances for all types of research. The text-based research does not involve any human groups. Depending on whether a particular research project might include non-vulnerable or vulnerable human groups, the researchers would get sufficient training from their supervisors and or university-wide training sessions. Then, they complete and send the relevant application forms to the relevant supervisors or School Ethics Leads.

If a research project would involve human groups, the researchers ought to obtain informed consent from their potential research participants or those responsible for their well-being (e.g. parents or legal guardians). Secondly, researchers should minimise the risk of harm to participants. Thirdly, they protect the anonymity and confidentiality of their human research participants. Fourthly, they avoid using deceptive or covert practices. Finally, they give participants the right to withdraw from the research.

Professor Daniel Jeyaraj       
