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Sales, Purchases and VAT

The University has set procedures for requisitioning supplies which require the administrator responsible to enter the details onto U4ERP (Agresso). Requisitions are subject to budget holder approval before a purchase order will be raised.

Raising a Purchase Order

  • First raise your requisition on U4ERP web (Requisition entry).
  • If your supplier has not yet been set up on Agresso you will need to do so before completing the requisition (UNIT4: New Supplier Request).
  • Wait for the budget holder to approve the requisition (UNIT4: Budget holder task - approve requisitions).
  • The purchase order will be sent to you by email.
  • Contact the supplier and place your order, quoting the purchase order number and sending them a copy by email if requested.

Processing the Receipt of Goods or Services

Other Tasks

If steps in the process are missed, other tasks may be generated and sent to you by the Purchase Ledger Department to remedy the situation. Guidance on these other tasks is available via the links below. These tasks should be regarded as a last resort and can usually be avoided by correctly following the procedures above.

UNIT4: Admin task - missing goods receipt

UNIT4: Admin task - no order for invoice

UNIT4: Budget holder task - invoice control exceeded

Purchase Ledger Department

Contact details

The University’s Purchase Ledger team is responsible for processing supplier invoices and arranging payments for goods, works and/or services supplied to the University including international payment transactions. They are also the point of contact for supplier queries.

The Purchase Ledger team are located in FML Building, Room FML002.

The main contacts are:

Staff member

Concact details

Kara Grivosti

Purchase Ledger Assistant (Mon-Thu)

0151 291 3174

Jamie Maguire

Purchase Ledger Assistant (Fri)

0151 291 3833

Ettie Turnbull

Purchase Ledger Clerk

0151 291 3489

Email enquiries


All invoices are processed centrally by the purchase ledger team and should be sent there (preferably via email to in pdf format) to ensure they are registered on U4ERP promptly.

Payment methods

The University makes all payments electronically either by; BACS(for UK payments), by bank transfer (foreign payments) or by direct debit / standing order. Cheques are issued on an exceptional basis.

Payment runs

BACS- The payment run is everyTuesday, with funds being received in the suppliers bank account typically by Friday of the same week. All invoices to be included in the payment run must be received by the Monday with a valid purchase order number and appropriate goods receipting tasks completed.

Foreign payments –The payment run is every Wednesday, with funds being received in the suppliers bank account typically by the end of the following week. All invoices to be included in the payment run must be received by the Monday with a valid purchase order number and appropriate goods receipting tasks completed.

Payment terms

It is the University’s policy to pay promptly within the terms agreed with the supplier. The University's payment terms are 30 days from the date of invoice. If a supplier is to be paid outside of the usual 30 days, please contact the University's Procurement Manager in the first instance.

Standard terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions relate to the University's purchasing activities and are available for suppliers and potential suppliers to view and/or download:

Terms and Conditions