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Technology, Organization and Management (TOM)

Adopting a disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to technological organization and sociology of work, this research group examines various societal, organizational and behavioral issues involved in managing work, organizing and technology and operations management. The research in this group is delineated across three themes.

1. Managing Work

This theme focuses primarily on professionals working in organizations. It is aimed at advancing an understanding of the intersection of people and management at the macro (policy), meso (organizational) and micro (professional practice in organizations) levels of organizing.

2. Technology, Society and Work

As technology is pervasive in all sectors and aspects of society and work, this stream of research focuses on understanding the transformative promise of technology in reconfiguring society, professions, and work. Research in this stream focuses on developing critical insights into technology-led societal transformation from a society that uses technology to one shaped by it, particularly when it is placed within the context of broader human ambitions, aspirations, and social values.

3. Technology and Operations

The field of Operations Management has changed considerably due to the emergence of substantial development in technology. The Technology and Operations theme focuses on creating and improving value through design, product manufacturing, services, and supply chain in a digitising world.

We are particularly interested in investigating the opportunities presented by new technologies such as industry 4.0, robotics and automation, artificial intelligence (AI), business analytics, and cloud computing in operations and supply chain management.