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Liverpool Hope Logo

General questions

Click the drop down menu below to view general FAQs.

How do I reset my voicemail password?

To reset your voicemail password, please email with your name and extension number.

How do I book a room in the library?

Students can book both study carrels and group study areas using the ‘library spaces’ option in MyHope.

How much network storage space does a student have?

Your network ‘I: drive’ will allow you to save 250MB of files.

How do I report faulty equipment?

Please report any faults directly to IT Services on 0151 291 2100 or email 

How do I take a screenshot?

Sometimes it may be easier to take a screen shot of a problem e.g. if an error code is displayed rather than trying to describe the fault over the phone. You can press the 'Prt Sc' key at the top right of your keyboard, paste it into a Word document and send it to the IT Service Desk.