General questions
Click the drop down menu below to view general FAQs.
How long do I keep my student account?
If you complete your course, you will keep access to all services for 6 months after the end of your course. You will then keep access to your University email account indefinitely.
How long do I keep my staff account?
You will have access to your account until the end of your final day of employment. Should any extension be required for access to email, this must be arranged via Personnel and your Head of School.
How do I reset my voicemail password?
To reset your voicemail password, please email with your name and extension number.
How do I book a room in the library?
Students can book both study carrels and group study areas using the ‘library spaces’ option in MyHope.
How do I book equipment?
You can book cameras, voice recorders and other equipment by contacting the Media Hatch in the Lecture Theatre Complex on 0151 291 3018 or emailing
Where can I save my files?
You can save work to a USB memory stick or your personal network space ‘I: Drive’. Never save work to the hard drive ("C" drive) of an open access PC. Once the PC is logged off, any files on the C Drive will be irretrievably lost.
How much network storage space does a student have?
Your network ‘I: drive’ will allow you to save 250MB of files.
How do I report faulty equipment?
Please report any faults directly to IT Services on 0151 291 2100 or email
How do I take a screenshot?
Sometimes it may be easier to take a screen shot of a problem e.g. if an error code is displayed rather than trying to describe the fault over the phone. You can press the 'Prt Sc' key at the top right of your keyboard, paste it into a Word document and send it to the IT Service Desk.
How do I change my password?
You can change your password at any time by logging into the password management website.
What are the requirements for an acceptable password?
Your password should be a minimum of 8 characters and include at least 1 capital letter and 1 number. It must not contain any part of your name.
What do I do if I am having problems with my laptop or PC?
Please check these useful guides -
Windows 7 help and tips
Windows 8 help and tips
Windows 10 help and tips
Which browsers are Hope services compatible with?
We recommend keeping your browser up to date and our systems are tested on IE 11, IE Edge, Chrome and Firefox. Both Windows and Mac systems are supported.