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Employee relations

The University strives to maintain good employee relations with its staff and also between staff members. This may take a collective form, via recognition of trade unions for collective negotiation and consultation purposes, or individual forms to resolve issues between staff members.

Conflict resolution and grievance

The procedure is intended to assist the resolution of individual grievances in a fair, prompt consistent and effective manner. The procedure does not apply to:

  • matters subject to natural terms and conditions of service
  • local agreements
  • collective disputes

The procedure should not be used for appeals against any delusion reached under:

  • the disciplinary procedure
  • re-grading decisions
  • redundancy selection
  • promotions processes

The procedure should also not be used for collective disputes

Attempts should always be made to resolve matters by informal approaches where possible.

Useful links

Conflict Resolution and Grievance Procedure

Conflict and Grievance Form (G1A)


The University expects all employees to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in their day to day work, and in their dealings with colleagues, students and external organisations.

Good conduct is essential for the efficient and orderly operation of the University’s activities and to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the University and its associates.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide a constructive framework for dealing with staff conduct and to ensure that disciplinary action, where necessary, is applied fairly and consistently. The University’s policies set out the standards of behaviour expected of staff, the discipline policy gives examples of behaviour considered by the University to amount to misconduct and gross misconduct, which may result in disciplinary action being taken. It is not possible to specify all forms of behaviour that will result in disciplinary action, nor the type of disciplinary action that may be taken in each situation, each case will be judged on its merits. The procedure shall be initiated at a stage appropriate to the seriousness of the alleged misconduct and will be dealt with as quickly as the specific circumstances allow.

Employees should familiarise themselves with those University policies which set out expected standards of behaviour.

For further information download our Staff Disciplinary Policy.


The University recognises that staff are its most important asset. However, for whatever reason, there are times when staff are unable to meet the standards of work required by the University. In these instances the Capability Policy provides information and guidance on how these situations may be managed.

See our Capability Policy for further details.

Partnership with Trade Unions

The University recognises Unison as the collective bargaining representative of support staff and UCU for academic staff.

Formal and informal meetings take place regularly with the Unions regarding individual and collective issues. JCNC (Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee) meets a minimum of three times a year. The University adheres fully to its statutory requirements for consultation and negotiation. Health and Safety and Equal Opportunities committees also have union representation.


Trade Union Facility Time Reporting for the Period April 2019 to March 2020



The University is committed to encouraging harmonious working relationships between colleagues. In most instances work place problems are resolved informally without the involvement of anyone outside of the team. However, where resolution is not achieved the University has both formal and informal processes which may lead to a resolution which enables effective working to continue.

If you think mediation may be helpful in a difficult situation, please speak to your line manager.

Other forms of engagement

The University encourages employee engagement as stakeholders and participants in a range of fora. These include formal committees, group and individual consultation, participation in team and department based communication – for example, team meetings, drop in sessions, opportunities to share news and highlight achievements in news media.

If you would like to participate more actively in these areas, speak to your line manager about opportunities in your team or department.

Useful links

ACAS website

Equality & Diversity Steering Committee