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How anyone affected by the Middle East Crisis can access support

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Events in Israel and Gaza continue to cause anxiety, concern, distress, and uncertainty throughout our community. Our priority is for everyone at Liverpool Hope to feel safe and supported, and the following information has been brought together to support our community at this very difficult and complex time.

At Liverpool Hope, we encourage a diverse and inclusive culture of respect, integrity and belonging. We are fully committed to providing an inclusive environment for all our staff and students. The University takes a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination, harassment and bullying, and all staff, students and visitors are expected to be treated - and to treat each other - with dignity and respect. Read our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.  

Our University motto is focused on being a community. We can take steps that will draw on our culture of respect, integrity and belonging in order to come together and share and discuss different perspectives. We are committed to providing an inclusive environment for our community. 

We understand how difficult it can be to process the images we are seeing and for those with family and friends in the region, it is even harder. These are traumatic and distressing times, compounded by the rise in faith-based hate incidents towards both the Jewish and Muslim communities here in the UK. 

Wellbeing & Mental Health Support 

We have many support services and self-help resources for anyone struggling in any way, including those affected by the events in the Middle East, so please reach out if you or someone you know needs help. They include: 

For students: 

  • Counselling appointments: Available via Student Life - please contact or by calling 0151 291 3427
  • Student Wellbeing Team - you can reach out informally to the wellbeing team who can help you manage your anxiety and panic, coping strategies, build your confidence and emotional resilience.
  • Residential Life team - if you are living in our Halls of Residence you can reach out to your Wellbeing Assistant or contact them on
  • Financial support from our Student Funds department. You can attend one of the teams drop-ins between 9-5 or contact them on 0151 291 3339 or 
  • All students can access free online support with Togetherall, a community based support network providing free 24/7 access to peer-to-peer and professional support. Students can register using their university email address.
  • There’s also lots of other in-person support such as our Chaplaincy team, Student Union Advisors or the Gateway team.

For staff:

  • The University's Dignity at work Policy sets out the options available to staff who believe they have experienced inappropriate behaviour. 
  • Staff are encouraged to speak to their line manager or HR manager for information and support to discuss any concerns they have 
  • Free confidential counselling via Counselling Solutions Northwest Staff Counselling Leaflet 
  • The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has updated guidance to advise on all but essential travel to the region for British nationals. Other nationalities should check their own government's advice before considering travel. 
  • Staff can access free online support with Togetherall, a community based support network providing free 24/7 access to peer-to-peer and professional support. 

Support & Resources 

Liverpool Hope University condemns all forms of hate-motivated behaviour and is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment that is conducive to the academic, social and personal development of the student and staff community here at Hope.

The University is also committed to dealing with actions that have a negative impact on the safety and wellbeing of our community. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of what a hate incident and/or harassment is, the support services available and how you can access them. If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed any form of hate-motivated behaviour, when you are ready and feel comfortable, we want to listen to you and support you. Read more about hate-motivated behaviour.

The University has several Hate Crime reporting routes:

These departments can help you to report any incidents, provide confidential advice and support and can also be a contact for those who do not wish to report directly to the police. Please remember that you can remain anonymous if you wish, and you do not need have contact with the police if you do not want to. 

You can use our online reporting tool if you have experienced or witnessed a form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, gender based violence, hate or micro-aggressions or have a safeguarding concern. 

Staff online reporting tool 

Student online reporting tool 

Additional support on reporting antisemitism 

The Community Security Trust (CST) have published a number of resources on their social media feeds, including guidance on how to communicate about Israel in a non-antisemitic way. CST also has a national emergency number which can be used to report antisemitic attacks.  

The Union of Jewish Students have opened a Welfare Hotline for students on 0207 424 3288.

Additional support on reporting Islamophobia 

Tell Mama is a confidential support service for anti-Muslim hate and discrimination across the UK. Their website features several different ways to report anti-Muslim incidents including via mobile or Whatsapp text. 

Muslim Council of Britain also offer support and information on Islamophobia. 

You should always call 999 if a crime is in progress or if someone is in danger. 

Impact on study 

There are a number of different processes in place to help you if the conflict has disturbed your studies or if you believe it will impact your studies. In the first instance you should contact the Student Life team on or by calling 0151 291 3427.

External support

Stop Hate UK - National charity to report hate crime incidents
T: 0800 138 1625
Text: 07717989025.

Anthony Walker Foundation (AWF) - Specialist counselling support for victim-survivors of racial or religious hate crime
T: 0151 237 3974.