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Performance management

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The implementation of an holistic performance management framework is intended ultimately to support the ambition of the University to provide education that transforms lives; engage in Research, Scholarship & Knowledge Exchange which has impact on societal challenges; proactively contribute to shaping our region and be an outstanding partner and interlocutor locally, nationally and internationally; and ensure we are a sustainable and future ready institution.

The following policy contains the details of the review process, as well as how it engages staff and their managers:

Performance reviews

The Performance Review and Probation scheme is one part of the Performance Management strategy along with induction,mentoring,recruitment and career development,staff development,reward,performance review, capability and discipline, and is an essential element in the ongoing management of performance.

Probationary review

The University aims to create a positive environment where everyone is enabled to work, fulfil their responsibilities and perform to the best of their ability to meet the needs of the University as soon as possible. The University’s Probation procedure outlines the responsibilities for employees and managers.

Employees within their probation period are not subject to the University’s Disciplinary, Capability or Absence Management Policies and Procedures. Instead, any issues identified in relation to conduct, capability or attendance during probation should be dealt with under the policy.

The probationary period will be as outlined in the employee’s employment contract. The normal probationary period for all staff is 12 months. This may be extended if necessary as outlined in the procedure.

The manager of a new employee must ensure that an induction programme is in place prior to their start date. The manager is responsible for setting clear standards and objectives regarding the expectations of an employee’s work performance, conduct and attendance. The manager must also ensure that appropriate training, support and guidance is provided for the employee to help them meet their objectives.

Performance review scheme

The University believes that the Performance Review scheme is central to developing and supporting its staff, enabling them to make an effective contribution to the success of Liverpool Hope. The purpose of the scheme is to review periodically the work, development needs and career aspirations of staff in relation to the requirements of the Faculty/Department plans and the University’s corporate plans and strategic intent. It is intended to be of mutual benefit to the University, its staff and the services provided, especially those received by the students.

The Performance Review scheme is an essential element in the ongoing management of performance. The link between performance and development is a central part of the scheme and hence conducting a review of performance is an essential part of the process. This will involve:

  • Reviewing past performance
  • Recognising the individual’s achievements and contributions
  • Identifying an individual’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Setting realistic performance objectives
  • Planning staff development and improvements in performance within the framework of the University’s needs.

If the annual review meeting identifies areas for improvement then an agreed action plan should be implemented and progress against this plan considered at agreed interim review meetings. If at these interim review meetings there is evidence that progress is being made, then further action is unlikely to be necessary and monitoring of progress should be through normal management meetings.

All performance reviews need to be completed and submitted to your Personnel Manager by 31st July each year.


Academic Performance Review Form

What is Prosper?

Professional Services

Professional Services Performance Review

Productive Performance Reviews

Role Profile Elements - Professional Services Manual

Role Profile Elements - Professional Services Admin

Supporting Materials For Performance Review

Central Training Courses Available

Performance Review FAQ