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Staff Policies / Guidance Documents

Welcome to the A-Z list for Personnel. This list should enable you to find all relevant forms, guidance documents and policies that are mentioned in the Personnel pages. 

All the policies, guidance documents and procedures are individually listed here as downloadable documents. If any of the links are not working, please contact us at

Adoption Policy

Agile Working Principles  

Annual leave arrangements 2023-24

Annual Leave Arrangements 2024-25

Anti-Bribery Policy

Anti-Fraud Policy

Anti-Semitism Statement

Capability Policy

Career Break Guidelines

Carer Policy

Carer's Leave FAQs

Compassionate Leave Guidelines

Conflict Resolution and Grievance Procedure

Consolidated Research Time Policy

Conversion of PDTF to Lectureship

Covid Guidance 23-24

Data Protection Policy

Declaration of Interests Policy

Staff Disciplinary Policy

DBS Guidance for Applicants and Line Managers

Dignity at Work and Study Policy

Discretionary Bonus Scheme for Support Staff

Domestic Abuse Policy

Equal Pay Policy Statement

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Fixed Term and Open Ended Contracts Policy

Flexible Working Policy

Guidance for supporting colleagues experiencing menopause

Guidelines Professional Boundaries for Sexual or Romantic Relationships Policy

Industrial Action Policy

Information Security Policy

Information Strategy

Integrated Performance Management Strategy and Policy Framework

LGPS Mandatory Discretionary Policy for Liverpool Hope

Maternity Policy

Maternity Flow Chart

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy Statement

Glossary of Maternity Terms

Miscarriage, stillbirth and infertility Policy

Miscarriage, stillbirth and infertility Manager Guidance

Paternity Leave Policy

Shared Parental Leave Policy

Our People Strategy

Parental Bereavement Policy

Performance Review and Development Policy

Personnel Retention Policy 

Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders

Probation Policy and Procedure

Procurement Policy

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Redeployment Procedure

Redeployment Skills Profile

Redundancy Overview

Redundancy Policy

Relocation Policy

Research and Scholarship Development Plan

Research Ethics Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding - Report a Concern Online

Policy and Process for Handling Sexual Misconduct

Shared Parental Leave Policy

Sickness Absence and Monitoring Policy

Staff Development Policy and Procedure

Staff Travel and Expenses Policy

Sexual or Romantic Relationships Between Staff and Students Policy

Time Off for Dependents Policy and Procedure

Transgender Policy

Use of Religious Facilities

Whistleblowing Policy

Work Related Stress Policy

Visa Loan Scheme Policy