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HERA – Higher Education Role Analysis

HERA is an analytical role analysis tool which uses competencies to assess the roles at the University.

The job evaluation system analyses roles against 14 key elements, which reflect the needs and values of higher education and the aspects of the roles, identified as being the most important. 

The scheme uses a questionnaire format (made up of 50 questions/statements) to measure the level of responsibility and demands of a role in relation to each of the 14 elements.  Once the appropriate information has been gathered, each element is then scored using the HERA scoring system.  The scores are then combined to give an overall point score which then determines the relative worth and value of roles and ultimately, the grade a role is assigned to. 

The use of HERA underpins the University’s commitment to a clear and transparent grading system and equal pay for work of equal value. The procedure applies to all academic and support staff roles on the single pay spine, Grades 1-10.

Further related information:

Role Profiles

Procedure for Regrades